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Issues downloading in the itch app

A topic by will1393 created Feb 28, 2021 Views: 871 Replies: 4
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There seems to be an issue syncing this game to the itch app – it can't find the game files and keeps saying it's stuck trying to instal the link to the guide (spoiler itch - a google doc is not a game). Perhaps this is occurring because the guide is listed before the downloads? Or maybe this problem is exclusive to this game on Mac? Anyone else suffering from this issue?

(2 edits)

The same happens on PC.

I tried to install it via the app and it said that the game files are hosted on an incompatible 3rd party website.

This has been mentioned to the creator multiple times though, so I'm not expecting it to change. [Last time i brought it up they said they weren't doing an android version and that's why.... but I think they were confusing the desktop client app for one on mobile devices. This issue is with the official client on PC/Mac that you use to install, run and update your games all in one place.]

Good to know you've already brought it up to them, in case they see this – Yes, this is indeed the same client I am using (which works without issue for similar games like Hayo's LD). As the picture Akinokaza posted shows, the install menu only "reads" the link for the google doc (which I suspect is because it's the first link on the download page). I wonder if moving the game guide link off of the download page to a link on the static main page (or even underneath the links for pc and mac) would fix the issue...

Thanks for the reply.


Tbh I don’t know why it can’t be downloaded normally on the Itch app too, so I marked it like "please download it in the browser".


Can confirm it's working now. Thanks!