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It was wonderful. Thanks so much for making something like this. I love your art style and I thought for the most part the pacing was fantastic. It felt a little rushed at the end in my opinion because I am a sucker for angst (though it totally ticked all the boxes for that), but I totally understand how much effort and time story building takes, not to mention adding art and keeping it interactive. 

The characters were well rounded and I've could see both Diya and Noelle facing struggles that I have seen my partner dealing with in terms of their home life on top of sexuality/gender ID/general friendships/parental expectations. With my background I don't really think twice about it because I bailed as soon as I could, for them there's a whole other layer of pressure I struggle to comprehend and stories like this help a lot. 

I LOVED the friendship developments and dynamic a LOT. Also Diya being hard of hearing was cool to see, being a anxious mess because or in part due to not hearing well/just being that way as a person is something I've struggled with since I was younger. 

 Will be keen to sink more money into any of your future projects! Especially if they're this gay and sweet. If there is a next time, I should be in a better financial position to pay more than the fiver. #studentdebt