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it wont let me play this like BRUH CORY WAS PLAYING THIS THE YOUTUDER WHYY can i not play


What happens when you try to play it?

it say i have to dowlod it or it will say i have to pay for it and i gives me vidoes and thanks for asking me😃

? You do have to download it to play it, but you don't have to pay for it.

Wdym? You don't have to pay for it

(1 edit)

@sumikii! Replying to me? Read my comment again.

oh okay thanks

@ElpresidenteAmt I wasn't replying to you

Ok, my bad.

(1 edit)

It asks you if you would like to donate to the game developer and their team. You don't have to pay for it at all. Whenever it pops up make sure you look for the decline button, and it should take you to another tab and select your device on the downloads. It should go smoothly from there.

