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Yea, I didn't explain the mechanics well and why movement would benefit you in many ways. This is an insert from the game page on itch and I had to rush the tutorial level so didn't sadly have time to implement these points well without it being a wall of text.

Your timer constantly increases but the faster you move the slower it increments. You start off with an assault rifle but every wave you kill the enemies, your weapon gets worse. After all waves are done you receive your final score. The player cannot die, but every time your health bar goes to 0 you receive a 60-second penalty. The only way to heal is to move fast and the faster you move the more you heal.

Basically faster movement slows down the counter and heals your (which also wasn't shown well). Also, if you move fast enough you won't get hit (it actually get's really fast if you aren't on ground for 10+ seconds). The guns shooting a little was a small bug (and also shooting a bit too far, that was because the weapon camera at 60 FOV and the main camera at 100+ FOV clashed), but I generally adjusted that if you shoot from a moderate range the shots would end up in middle. From my testing and testing with friends the bullet drop wasn't a problem and many said they liked it, it is strong but that was determined from testing with friends. It can be a turnoff but in my mind I felt that having something unique was better than just having normal bullets (especially because of the small map). The small map was a problem because the better wallrunning mechanics were only implemented later into the game after the map was made so that should've been totally different. The enemies could've been "pretty easily" upgraded by giving them random weapons, not sure how I didn't come up with that during the jam.
I still appreciate your feedback.