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(1 edit)

so Marco i got 5 great weapon ideas for you!

1 you should add the Owen gun as a sub machine gun

2 you should also add the Lewis gun as a light machine gun

3 you should also add the MP 18 as a sub machine gun

4 you should also add the Mauser C96 as a machine pistol

5 you should also add the Winchester model 1897 as a pump shotgun

thats it for my weapon ideas hope you at least add 4 for these weapons Marco and as always keep the good work can,t wait for full release! 

Hello! Owen gun is an amazing gun, but i'm pretty sure it was never used in europe (and the Winchester too) but only against japan. So it's not a priprity, but maybe i could make it just for fun, or for the Resistance. Lewis gun is a Must, i will add it soon as possible. Same for the C96. Mp18 wasn't really used during war, but i could add it aniway, maybe for the SS or the Fallschirmjager. Thank you a lot for this suggestions, weapons is the most important part of the game, and i would like to have really a lot of them.