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Hi there, just adding my positive feedback here, too, using (K)Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS

Exact Version: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS - Kernel 4.4.0-94-generic #117-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 29 08:13:56 UTC 2017 x86_64

NVidia/Intel graphics GK107M [GeForce GT 750M]

=> No problems whatsoever, 44 year old guy and 13 year old son having the fun of our lives :)

BTW: ZIP uses a Windows like attribute system, so the execute flag is not saved in ZIPs. If you tgz or bz2 the files, the linux flags will be preserved.

Thanks for a wonderful game and all the effort you put into the steady flow of updates and forum responses.