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I tried installing the update but it didn't work. I've got about 3.8GB space so it's not a storage issue

I had to completely uninstall the game and reinstall it. Bye bye save files 😑

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You can just save the files even you deleted the game (where do you play computer or android?) 


And I meant bye bye save files as I'm all my progress had to be deleted for me to be able to play the game again

There is a way for you to  preserve save files on android, as pointed out by someone on my discord, but I did say in the dev log I posted for 0.2.0 that people may need to re-install the game. Again, sorry for any inconvenience I've caused you.

Ah okay. I'll have to check that out in the future. And no worries. I'm a bit annoyed that I have to repeat everything but it's a really good story so I don't mind it too much

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Here this is my save files from other VN games if you want to save the file just add anything in the end of the file name like this() so it doesn't delete when you are deleting the game

Oh cool. I never realised that. Thanks pal

No problemo bud

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And you can just move the file so you can organized when you need the files