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(1 edit)

I had an actual BLAST finishing this, and I cannot wait for more. Hopefully this isn't too much but I have a couple notes and suggestions:

 I do think the text and textboxes don't mesh well with the art style? Also, Noob1's control scheme doesn't swap the save and restore menu (where A would be on a Nintendo controller, or how circle would select on Japanese Playstations). I'd really like a fully customizable control scheme in the full release.

Also, take a cue from NieR: Automata and have the lock-on be a chip that can be installed or removed! That'd add an awesome risk/reward mechanic.

EDIT: also I think being able to activate slide while dashing rather than while sprinting will make the move more useful. Perhaps it was just the version I played but the slide was for some reason really difficult to pull off?

Otherwise? Great. Seriously, I am so psyched for a full release, this might be the one indie game I'm more hyped for than any other.