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(2 edits) (+4)

My current project feels like my first game dev experience, even though I’ve been working on some designs for the last 7-8 years. I am learning how I work best and what tools are most effective for me. The project is pretty simple, so I’m more worried about the process than the finished product.

It’s a useful experience, and tbh if I had tried doing this even 5 years ago I might’ve gone mad – I was too focused on getting something out AND making it great. Now I’m just focused on the work, no matter how long it might take to finish.


Haha, that's probably really true that sometimes you feel like you're re-learning everything again!
I really like the thought of re-addressing your workflow and your process, rather than how the actual product is coming out.
I hope to get there someday! 😸 Thank you for sharing your experience!!