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your the one who replied -_-

and? I didn't reply in a hope of starting another pointless argument, i was just making fun of you lol stating the obv doesn't change the fact you live such a sad life you try to revive a argument a month later just so you can have online interaction.  And yo rq try to remind me how my username being ¨apandah¨ means anything? 

then why tf did you reply now you retard

I legit answered your question in my response you fucking dumbass, please learn how to read. You repeatedly keep stating that I responded as if it means anything. Next time you wanna try to revive/start another argument please think before you comment retard. And you've still yet to answer MY question as to how putting my username as "apandah" means anything.

if you don't want to start an argument then why do you keep replying you fourteen year old lesbian.