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What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • Sound effects are very whimsical.
  • I like how the game had starting format with a plot. The shortcut key to turn off different features  were very user friendly as the user did not have to pause the game during the play. 
  • 1) Many interesting "Game Feel": gun barrel shrinking; sound effect; meteorite explosion. 2) Meteorites become more with time passing, giving players a suitable difficulty experience.

What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)

  • I think switching the sound effect for hitting the rock and rock hitting on the ground will be better, since you are using human's roaring as the dead's sound effect.
  • When the tank gets destroyed  if there is some impact, the game feeling would have been better. 
  • 1) Make the shooting direction be rotatable. 2) Referring to Raiden, I think we can add some different types of bullets with different effects.