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Make and teach robots to automate the world! · By Denki

No "Waiting" icon on full storage condition

A topic by DanielCoffey created Aug 13, 2017 Views: 854 Replies: 5
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BUG : A worker who has  a "Until Storage Full" loop does not display a "Waiting" icon over their head when the storage is full and their loop is stopped.

I was watching Aavak's new video and at 41:15, Rudy has a loop that  involves putting gears in the Gear Storage with a "Until Storage is Full" condition and she does not display the usual "Waiting" icon above her head when the storage finally fills up. In addition, the arrow showing what she is currently doing flashes rapidly between the last "Put Gear in container" task and the "Until storage is full" loop. Aavak comments on this.

See at 41:15...


I can see that it LOOKS like a bug but unfortunately it's as designed at the moment. The waiting icon fails to appear because the bot isn't actually stuck and any instruction, it's just repeating the same instruction over and over. Which is also why the arrow flickers rapidly. Thanks

It doesn't work properly for me. Here is my code :

Repeat Forever!

   Repeat until Plank Storage full

        Find nearest Log

        Move to Log

        Pick Up Log

        Move to Crude Bench Saw

        Add to Crude Bench Saw

    End Repeat

End Repeat

And I have another bot putting planks into the storage there. So he will wait when there will be space available in the storage.

So I understand that the action when the storage is full will end but it should restart as soon as I take something from storage as it is not full again... But that's not what happens... It doesn't go back in that loop and I have to restart the bot. I think it should get back as soon as I take one plank in the storage. 




Ah ok. Can you send me your level file please and I'll have a look. What's the name of the bot in question?

I just realized that he activate down below 96 lol :)   I'll send it if it doesnt work properly, but I think it works now ;)


Ah yes that's intentional. "Full" means 95% or more :)