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Bad Dragons: Scales Gone Wrong

A topic by MatthewBland created Sep 04, 2017 Views: 197 Replies: 2
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Teammates: Abbie, Tam, Griffin, Mat

Premise: A top down game where you block attacks from various dragons, depending on the colour of the dragons you'll have to block their attacks in a different way. If you do it right their attack will be reflected back at them.

In this top down shooter you play as a loyal knight to their country whose sole purpose is to protect their king and country from the ever looming threat, the return of the dragons. The gameplay consists of an asteroid style with a twist; the player has no ability to attack. The only way to defend the king and country is to defend the player is with the shield handed down through the generations of their family. Using the shield to deflect the enemy dragon’s attacks.

The main theme of this game is colour; using the key commands listed in the menus and below you must deflect the correct colours using your shield with increasing difficulty. There will be four types of dragons which will be Red, blue, green and yellow in failure of doing so will deduct one 1/3 of your life bar.

ENTER = Select

W = Red

A = Blue

S = Green

D = Yellow


Jam Judge

A very interesting idea.  Have you given any idea as to how the game would get more difficult to match increasing player skill?