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This game was the first game jam my friend TCBlue and I has ever entered, he did the art, sound design, music and animations while I did the coding and level design for this game. 

We are highschool students, me an aspiring game programmer and him aspiring graphic designer. The creation of this game was tough, the hardest part was finding time after school to do it, but we tried our hardest, day and night and we completed it.  As this is my first game in unity, most of the development process was looking up tutorials and modifying them to work with my code,  so apologies if mechanics are a bit clunky .Although this was a stressful time I am so thankful we did it, I am most thankful to my friend, who's talents never fail to baffle me. 

If you wanted to learn more about the development process, from idea generation to early builds, here's a link to a google drive folder where we kept that stuff :