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Hello ! My review may not be structured, I'm sorry for that but I will try my best even though I'm not fluent in English. I will talk about the elements that marked me the most.  

Spoilers below  


This game was such a pleasant discovery. I liked the way the story went on smoothly while revealing important elements about the plot.  

The prologue lasts 7 days and it was a good start to get familiar with MC's environment. I liked how her personality was built up. She is straightforward, considerate and caring. She's also bold and brave at times. She likes reading, she usually spends her time at the library. She is always eager to take part of anything unusual. Yet, she feels stuck in her routine that is unsatisfying according to her. She doesn't have any mid- or long-term goals and it seems like she is not looking forward anything. Or maybe I got it wrong, I apologize if that is the case. So, her constant feeling of boredom leads her to visit an abandoned mansion at night. But she hadn't made any discovery. Afterwards, odd events unfolded in the village and it picked up her interest even though they were bone chilling. 


Sachiro's route  

Sachiro is a lonely and lost boy, working hard to find his true purpose and make his dream come true. He is reserved, nice and but also insecure about his identity. He seems really lonely and he is kind of envious of human life yet he is confused of many aspects. Also, I loved how the story twisted and got to learn many things about the world MC lives in. For example: the spiritual world, Shinigami, angel and how they interact and how they impact the human world even though it's quite abstract but I got to learn more and more throughout the entire game.  

I found out a lot about him, how devoted he was towards others without people truly acknowledging him, even if it meant losing his sanity, even while losing other's trust. Yet he called himself selfish when it comes to his own dream. Strong, brave, loyal, humble, I think those qualities fit him the most.  

Ikuya and Lioji have been MC's friends for quite a long time. They both got more involved in the story that I expect from side characters.  

Chain's background is totally unknown I guess mysteries makes the game more interesting because it gives more room for the player's imagination  

Rasumi's contract is a scam for sure and a greedy and apathetic angel. She is one of the main antagonist. Though her motives were not really discovered but according to the extent of her wrong doings, it seems quite huge. At least, I couldn't understand them.  

The romance did not affect the plot, still was slightly present.


Zeikun's route  

I got even more into this VN. They were way more interactions with MC's friends, Chain and Kaichi.  

It was quite satisfying to see MC once again taking actively part of the whole order. Even though,  she is self-aware about her limits, she is eager to do anything for the sake of her friends and the village. She meets a lot of inconveniences along the way but she made it through the end with the help of her friends, Chain, Kaichi and especially Zeikun. Zeikun is aloof at first but he is committed to achieve his goals, but that led him to become selfless. Despite his good intentions, he is misunderstood and loathed because of his nature. Yet he did everything to go against his own nature for sake of everyone. MC played a huge part in Zeikun self-acceptance and helped him changed his point of view of humans. She never gave up, even though, she went through a lot, especially in the normal ending which has a huge plot twist compared to the good ending. The normal ending was heart-breaking. The good ending has some dark sports (especially about Rasumi's and Kaichi's whereabouts).  

This needs to be an anime, even though it's a visual novel, you managed somehow to make it really interesting and immersive. The OST are pretty great to listen to.  

MC could have enhanced her power as a blessed soul but (un)fortunately it did not happen.  

Though, the MC doesn't seem mentally affected. Maybe I am wrong I mean she is obviously but in my opinion it's not this obvious in the dialogues or and monologues. 


Junoru's route 

We found out that Roya and Junoru are living deads.  Roya sustains with flesh and as for his brother it wasn't revealed or maybe I missed it. He is worrying about his elder brother's destructive behavior.  Though Junoru tried as much as he could to protect him and prevent him from doing any more harm. Yet he is feeling insecure about his image and capabilities and compares himself to his elder brother. He is facing a huge dilemma with his nonchalant brother: he needs flesh to survive but his actions multiple the living dead. On the other hand, he is still caring about Junoru. The thing is, they didn't even choose to live this kind of life to begging with.  

Here is my favourite dialogue from this game:  

Junoru : would you sacrifice your happiness for others? Let's say either you or people can be happy, wouldn't be selfish to keep it for yourself? If someone can't even enrich people around them... what it the purpose of living?  
MC : If it makes me happy as well then sure. [...] we live for ourselves in a first place so it only makes sense to make our happiness our top priority.  You can't make people happy if you're sad too, right?  

It makes a lot sense; you can't be completely selfless or selfish. You need balance, I guess.  

MC met Roya on multiple occasions and she managed, despite him being wary, to work together in order to keep the village safe and prevent any unnecessary damage.  

Regardless of what happened the MC was always standing up for her own goals.  Chains despised her for siding those brothers. He loathes any supernatural creature and according to him they don't deserve to live. I've always wondering how comes the MC is being so tolerant.  

Roya got killed by Chain and was found by his brother in the bathroom. He thought Chain would be trustworthy enough to accept his last will which was to let his brother alone. Roya thought that nobody was happy around him anyway.  That line felt like as if Roya was depressed. As if his existence wasn't really meaningful or worth living. Maybe I'm wrong ... for sure, he felt empty and thought his sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. Even with a huge power he was granted/cursed with, the fact that most people wanted him and his family dead hurt him more that he would like. As if he has no place in this this world.  

Since then, Junoru has been mourning and has been dwelling in his sorrow. Yet he still has a strong will to prevent the rise of the living dead. Even though,  he wasn't aware of what he got himself into centuries ago, since he was involved, he couldn't just give up his responsibilities.  He didn't want to live in guilt forever.  

Jace and Blace keep the gates of Hell and Heaven, thought they quitted their position. Jace, Blace and Junoru used to be friends a century ago. They moved to the village in order to kill the living dead.  

Junoru's parents were researchers. They manage to create something that grant immortality instead of curing illness as they planned to in a first place. My theory is that the unsuccessful experiments created a living dead and they multiplied since then. The twins killed Junoru's parents.  

It all started with pure intentions but people got greedy and they became inhuman.  Ready to do anything to get this formula.  

Roya and his brother spent a decade on their own and were chased by the former researchers. They got fired by their parents and held grudge against them. After a decade they were still chased and got drugged. They somehow manage to runs away and they slept for a century. Junoru and Roya remained in a slumber for a long time and woke up a few moments before day 1. So, he is feeling as if everything happened just a week ago. That was probably a lot to take in. 


That is all for me. I'm sorry I'm not writing about Kurato. The last time I played this game was a few months ago and my memories of his route are a bit blurry. But overall, I enjoyed each route. I'm glad I got the chance to experience it. Thank you very much for sharing such an exciting visual novel.