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I has got some Game devs friends


Well submission s are about to end so I will make a new one



OK I created a new jam called game jam69 and will add you as a judge



your welcome I added you as host also can you ask your friends to Join? 

Could you give me a link?

to my Jam? 


here is the link


so you are going to participate in the jam or vote in It? 

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Can i vote in ur jam?

Im a real good judge


But only 1 joined and he Also asked to be a judge so if  he acts as judge and not creator than you won't be able to judge because nobody will be in it

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can I advertise it for you

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so how do I be a judge

(1 edit)

your already a judge and the jam ended so I started a jam Called racing jam 69 you can advertise it but quick it might have started