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Me scrolling through the comment section sees  "depressed people" sees reply to them "we aren't therapist" true 

Aso what's up with 8-year-olds online dating- 

if you are offended by this just ignore it no need to interact and cause a big commotion, please 🙂 


online dating is bad >:O


.... took the words right outta my mouth dude


sorry I have too many meme thingys. But seriously Online Dating is bad.

Yee, aHem wanna make a friendly reminder?

yes! Let us stop the Oders once and for all like that roblox series! KILL THE ODERS! THOT BEGONE! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now. how shall we go about our thre- friendly reminder?

Idk... I can just post it

oh... ok then. :v

Or u can

I 'll just reply I'm kinda lazy anyway.
