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  1. What did this game do well? (Answer in a few sentences)
    • I liked how the game was very straightforward to play and the difficulty scales with the time the player stays alive. I also do appreciate how the high score is recorded
    • The game has clean UI and great interaction. The response is fast without any bug noticed. The game is esay in and hard out. It becomes more challenging when you survive longer thus encourages plyer to continue to try.
    • The game controls object's transparency which is easy to understand in visual aspect. It is also easy and fun to play.
    • The game mechanics are quite original. It is quite amazing making a game using only a few components.
  2. What could be done better? (Answer in a few sentences)
    • I can't really think of anything -- I think the instructions could be a bit more elaborate in terms of how to get points, what exactly the space bar does in the game, etc. 
    • The way to calculate the point is not that obvious to new player. Perhaps change a way to accumulate points.
    • I find myself holding the button for so long just waiting for the red ball to go through. I think there should be some kind of feedback so that players are more willing to focus on the game.
    • If the player just holds the button, the game will never lose. There should be some punishments if the player never releases the button.
    • The window for reaction for when the blue balls overlap is really small and the falling balls need to be perfectly on top of each other in order for the point to count. The red balls overlapping over the blue balls also made the game a bit unfair - adding more delay between the two, or variations in speeds would help.