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Played it with no issues yesterday but today gzdoom is using 95% of my CPU to run? Has anyone encountered this issue before with this wad?

I deleted the gzdoom, reinstalled it, put simons destiny back into the folder and its fine now. Bizarre.

Ran regular doom fine. Not sure what in the settings caused simons destiny to suck up all my cpu today.

You can also use the affinity settings in task manager to force the game to use less of your CPU. if you run into this issue again or even on other applications.   If you don't know how, open the task manager, find the game, right click and choose "go to details", on that screen you right click on the process and click "set affinity", and it will give you a checklist with all your processor threads listed...try unchecking one or two of the boxes (usually two threads per processor core).  You will have to do this each time you run the game...if you uncheck too many, you may experience lag.

Ok, thanks!