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This is very promising. You are slowly moving us to a central moral question (go back and help Hana or accept dead), which add stakes to an otherwise surreal situation. As of now, Koji is more of a plot device than a character. It makes sense, given the circumstance, but it also means that adds opportunity to expand and grow. So how to flesh Koji more as a character? Think of her as someone who also has a moral point of view (an idea of how to behave in the world)., and test that point of view in her own choices and goals. You are already hinting at this: why did she showed up as a deer first, and not a s a human? She probably knew human would be more easily recognizable, and yet choose deer first. Later in the story, when she asks about the benefit go giving the Player a second chance, you can describe her own goals and aspirations. I think the story depends on moving Koji (and maybe Hana) into characters that have their own world view, goals and obstacles. What do you think?