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here are my favorite triplets! Cyan is haru, split hair is hei, and orange is helis!

ok! do you want to start or do you want me to start?


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~ { 🌺🌸🌺  Not wanting to miss the opening of the new amusement park, Astra runs down the street at full speed. Once she arrives, sweating all over on this beautiful sunny, summer day, she takes a break to catch her breath. You see, the mayor of the town decided to make even more people arrive to the opening of the amusement park, that she would make the first 1000 people that arrive there get free tickets. The others who didn't get the free ticket, had to pay 10,000 dollars, in cash for just one ticket! The problem is that although this is a very beautiful, very gigantic town full of many people, that people from all over were coming to this amusement park. Now you may want to ask, "What's so special about this amusement park?". Well I'll tell you, this amusement park is now the biggest amusement park in all of Luaria (lol I had to come up with a name also sorry this is late although I'm homeschooled if my mom is in the room then I can't be up here 'cause she'll see me T-T)  Its ridiculously wide, and has many rides. Once the mayor cuts the ribbon with big scissors, everyone starts rushing in. The sounds of an elephants herd running, footsteps, arguing, laughing, and cheering are echoing throughout the amusement park. For a few moments, all of the sounds disappear. Except for one. The sound of pain. Its like everything and everyone fades around her. Except for them. Finally, all of the sounds appears and her ears start to hurt again. But the rest of the sounds don't distract her anymore. Her eyes are still glued to the man, in the dark brown jacket. clearly abusing three girls. An Angry Astra starts running towards the man, and does a flying jump kick on the man. (she has anger issues btw) Astra breathing is heavy, not from doing a flying jump kick on the man, but from her anger. "Don't you know that you're not supposed to hit a girl!?! I don't know who you are but you have no right whatsoever to hit all three of them! Now apologize before I make you!". The man apologizes and then runs away, scared for his life. Astra then turns around hands their pet to them, and asks, "Are you guys ok? I hope that he didn't hurt you too badly. My name is Astra by the way, what are your names?" 🌺🌸🌺 } ~

(jesus ducking christ thats long- you should be a book writer!)

[💙🧡💙 all of the girls hug eachother and then you "ah, thank you kind stranger!" Says the cyan haired girl "you're our hero!" Cheers the split haired one "i don't know what would've happened to us if you werent there!" Says joyfuly the last one. You notice another woman coming at you, who seems to be much older than the girls "OH MY GOD! are you guys alright!?" "We are aunt May!" Cheered all of them "this heroic lady saved us!" They all point at you, still smiling "is... is that so...?" "Yup!" "Ah, well, thank you, thats really kind of you..." she slowly opens her hand "im... May... i take care of them, with my brother and his husband, but you seem to be better than me already..."💙🧡💙]

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~ { 🌺🌸🌺 Astra clears her throat, puts on a big smile, and shakes Aunt May's hand. "Thank you ma'am, but I doubt that I could ever be as good as you. She stares at the girls that she saved, and notices that they look unimaginably alike. "You guys are triplets, aren't you?" she says in an excited tone. 🌺🌸🌺 }  ~

[💙🧡💙 the girls answer one by one: "yup!" "yes!" "Definitley!" They all looked really happy and pure excited. May looks at them, with a warm smile on her face, before turning back to you "well, thank you for saving them before i could, bud, its really important for me" 💙🧡💙]

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~ { 🌺 🌸🌺 "Its really no problem Ms. May!" 🌺🌸🌺 } ~ (SORRY ITS SHORT)

no u didnt Ò-Ó 


oof sorry T-T

its oke

I'm writing the story rn