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Q:Furries or Scalies

A:  Scalies

Q: Favorite Anime Crush/Crushes

A: Dabi

Q: Favorite Anime/Animes 

A. 1. AoT ( attack on titan )    2. MHA ( My Hero Academia )   3. Demon Slayer   

Q: Favorite Show

A: AoT

Q: Favorite Quote?

A: Don't fuck with me Mark, I have the power of god and anime on my side. -Ethan Nestor

Q: Favorite Artist

A: Nawnii

Q:Favorite Music Artist

A: Mother Mother

Q:Have you ever met someone famous

A: No

Q: Have you ever kissed your crush/crushes

A: No ;-;

Q: If you could change one thing that happened at one time, what would it be

A: I would of made my friend not kill herself

Q: If you could live anywhere, where would it be

A: In Florida

Q:Do you still have your childhood toy

A: yes ( it's at my grandmas house )

Q: Do you want to be famous

A: not in a big way but yes

Q: Do you like TV talent shows

A: Kind of

Q:Do you like scary movies

A: Y E S

Q:Have you ever fired a gun

A: No

Q: What was the last film that you watched

A: Silent Hill: Revelation

Q: Do you like rollercoasters

A: No

Q: Have you ever cried at the movie theater

A: Yes

Q:In your opinion, who in this Monster Girl Maker Group Chat will get married first

A: Your_Local_Overlord

Q: Have you ever gone out on a date with someone you like

A: No

Q: Describe everyone in this Group Chat in 3 words

A: Artistic, Kind, Lovely

Q: Whats the most painful insult you've received from anyone


Q:Favorite Drink

A: Hot coco

Q: Favorite Song

A: Drugs

Q: Dog or Cat person

A: Dog

Q: Who has the best impact on your life

A: None

Q: Have you ever watched Titanic

A: No

Q: Do you believe in luv at first sight

A: No

Q: Do you have a tattoo

A: No

Q: Ever considered living abroad

A: Yes

Q: What is the last compliment u got

A: I like your art

Q: Would you rather have infinite money or unending love

A: Unending love

Q: Pick one, Cheat or be Cheated On

A:  Be Cheated On

Q: If you could only choose one, would you rather go to Paris or London

A: London

Q: If you have a nickname, what is it

A: Ryry or Ry bread

Q: And finally, what is the one thing you can't leave home without

A: Pen and note book

:D cool! I like those answers! Most of yours are the same as mine! Who's your favorite scaly?