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I would love an option that lets you restart at the current scene rather than restarting the whole game. It gets super frustrating (and annoying) to replay the first few scenes over and over and over again just to get to the scene that kicks your ass. 

I want the option to restart the current scene so I can actually figure it out and get good at it. Then I can go back and try to beat the game in one shot (roguelike).

I got frustrated having to start at square one and lost interest. It just stopped being fun. Giving players the option of resuming instead of restarting will broaden its appeal for sure.

There are a few ways to implement this that preserve the essence of the brutal roguelike challenge:

1. When resuming the scene, you start with the same loadout of weapons and ammo that you came in with. So you MAY need to start at the beginning of the game and get better so you get to the later scenes with the ammo you need to win.

2. Use achievements/badges to reward the player. Some of those achievements will only be unlocked in roguelike mode. Maybe each scene comes with two achievements: one for finishing it and you also get the second one if you finished it in roguelike mode. That way you satisfy both styles of gamers and increase replayability.

CV1 not being cross-buy and the mandatory roguelike play mode are the two things holding me back from dropping $20 on CV2 right now.