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Kira nods

Kira: problem...can-can I ask you a question...? 


*you can see her putting on her pra underwater*

Kira: Well-what clan are you from...? I-I've never seen a mermaid with horns before...

(1 edit)

"I-I'm a trybrid- my mom was a hybrid and my dad is uhm a demon"

Kira: I-oh...

Yasmins eye colour changes

*she kisses you *

her eye colour changes back to brown

"I-I'm so sorry!!"

*she swims away*

Kira blushes and touches her lips 

Kira: I-what...? 

she hops out of the water unclothed and changes into a human

Kira gasps

Kira: I-oh! Oh my-you-you're-

She dives under water and hides on the other side of the rock 

-she gets dress and starts singing again-

it starts to rain

"U G H"

-she dives underwater and swims-