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Investigated more:

>> cancelling unit move results in losing 50 prestige
>Only if it gained 50 prestige on move ?

I've captured town -> 50 prestige up. Undo move -> 50 prestige down and town changed back to previous owner, correct.
I've captured it again -> 0 prestige up. Undo move -> 50 prestige down and town changed back to previous owner.

 >> not all enemy towns or flagged hexes respectively captured are awarded with prestige
>Should give prestige even for ones with flag

I've opened the purchase window with prestige value and it didn't change after I captured town, I had to reopen it.

And re the automatic supply for aircrafts, I thought that in original Panzer General II it was done during opponents turn if the aircraft stayed near airport, not my full next turn. But it's quite long time since I played it last time :)

Anyway, thanks for the game, I'm enjoying it!