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Played the newest update and its lovely! 

And noticed the blue hearts here and there hehe~ OwO" 

Thank you for wonderful novel! And keep up the good work <3


I hope that we will find out what happened to missing fur from Zacs photo team. And my imagination went wild. Here is what I think could happen. Zac somehow trapped him somewhere and fattens him up.  (There were absences of food in kithen, so maybe this might be considered the real reason). Or that could happen to MC when he can't get out of bed. He calls for Zac and he comes with lots of food hehe~. 

I hope Zac will soon reward MC for his appetite. (So far he just teased us. {On 15th chapter i think} AND I EXPECT CONSEQUENCES FOR NOT SAYING ANYTHING TO ZAC WHILE HE WAS CHASING CHUBBY PROTOGEN <3 ).

And ofc another visit to Pi's place would be nice. 

And the husbando (mate) mention omg <3

P.S. sorry for the typos

And yeah wanted to mention but forgot, played on android 7.1.1. Arm processor. Everything was fine. Just ofc played on 6 saveslots to avoid save bug.

Best wishes once again! U3U


Thanks for your comment! Also... Nice theories xd, but if you want to know what happened to that guy on Zac's team, just try to reach one of the 4 posible startings scenes for this chapter 16 ~ Yep, there are 4 different startings.