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My sister is kind of the same .-. She complains 24/ scratch that 25/8 she complains 25/8 ALL THE FUCKING TIMEEEEEEEEEEEE LIKE BRUH ITS EITHER ABOUT HOW HER BACK HURTS (i usually call her an old lady when she does that) OR EITHER COMPLAINS ABOUT HOW "ITS TOO COLD" ALL THE TIME BRUH OR HOW DRAGON ADVENTURES (a game on roblox) USED TO BE A GOOD GAME BUT THE NOOBS COMPLAINING RUINED IT 'CAUSE THE CREATOR CHANGED THE GAME 'CAUSE OF THE NOOBS COMPLAINING OR SHE EITHER COMPLAINS ABOUT....-uh other things O-O she complains about more things its just I have a bad memory and these are the ones that she complains about most of the time

my back is just stiff

I suck it up lol
