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then again there was this time when I went on a field trip.. uh this little boy fuckin touches my chest and says nice shirt!

Boi I was sooo flustered lol

My friend said I was overeating but still


Who raised that child!


s a d

We need to raise our children 



yes i hear u babe lmao also can i kill that boy-

I uh if you can find him then yesh lol

I sound like a bad person when I say this but

I kinda did not wear a bra then... 

DONT HATe mWe lol

lol no one can touch my gf chest except for me U-U

wow u sound desperate 

And protective lol

i am protective..butt thats a good thing. 

yesh it good!

You prottec 

And attacc 

And give mwe snaccs lol

lmaoo yes mam

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oooop- same here bro..

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oh fuck...

There was this Time where I wore a black bra under a white shirt lol

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