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lol sure...I really do feel bad for must be a very sad person

Why?  Because I refuse to be degraded by a clique of obvious misfits?  Yeah that really makes a lot of sense, at least probably only to you.  If there is anything you should be sad over it is the fact you associate yourself with these rage baiting trolls.  I'd tell you to leave the keyboard and actually try and make real friends, but I have a fleeting feeling that would not prove to be a possibility.

lol I know how to make friends but... 1. Covid-19 2. ICYMI I do have real this bruh ik that you aren't blind so no need to act like you don't see my friendship with everyone...well...almost this gc... You call us the misfits when you make a comment in the chat thats obviously stating that you are, in fact, a misfit...but then again...its ok if you don't want to admit how sad you are...Everyone has shit that happens in their lives...I mean...I wouldn't want to admit being sad either tbh so its ok besides we are strangers I wouldn't want to tell all my problems and worries and even my feelings to a stranger so...its ok...