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Are there any instructions on how to play this?

From watching part of the walkthrough it seems to presume you have a gamepad, but makes no mention of it on this page. And there are no options in the game for remapping the keyboard or even what the controls are.

I love minimalist games, but please give me a leg up! :)


Hey Chris,

Sorry for the inconvenience, you can play the game with a gamepad or with your keyboard but there are no remapping options.

Here are the controls :

RollRight JoystickLeft/Right Arrows
MoveLeft JoystickW/A/S/D
MenuStart ButtonEscape
Screenshot*Select ButtonF1

* screenshots are saved to the following path "SpikeUnderTheLeaves_Data\StreamingAssets\Screenshots"

Hope you will enjoy the game ! :)

(1 edit)


Also, what is the "shake butt" keyboard control? It seems like the little critter is doing it constantly and I cannot get any leaves to stick.
