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(2 edits) (+1)

art direction, game design and level design are amazing and incredible like Celeste, congratulations to Maddy Thorson, Noel Berry and Lena Raine to making this amazing game in 3 days, the gameplay is very hard mainly for Celeste console players, but no problem. The mechanic of the hook is very similar to the dash in Celeste but at the same time it is not. The levels are VERY VERY VERY HARD in some moments, so difficult that it made me think the game had some level design error, but isn't it, it's just very hard but it's very good too. I played without phones so i can't say anything about the music. I finished the game with 1:30h, 600 deaths and 8 strawberrys. I hope so much so much so much that this game comes out in its complete and longest form as it was Celeste in relation to Celeste PICO-8. In short: 10/10 game, 10/10 game design and 15/10 level design, the game have difficult but very possible challenges and I love it.

Sorry for english errors, I am brazillian :)
(o trabalho de arte de voces brasileiros é incrivel, minha inspiração :D)