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Why is all your mood boards so sad

I luv em

I am just feeling sad,my crush likes my best friend and my crush is also my best friend...everyone likes my friend.he said he didn't wanna be like everyone else (cuz I said "everyone likes her") and he said "stand out" I said I already do. Being the ugly one in the friend group ofc I do- I asked him to be my "friend Valentine" but I might have to tell him a lie on why I can't do it anymore.

.. damn..

I would say I know how you feel 

But I actually don’t 

Before I was paw’s girl

I felt well.. hopeless 

I still do.. not the point tho 

Out of all the people in the world 

There will be someone who will love u

And that’s a fact

Please don’t put yourself down 

It hurts me more than it does to you


I’m not really sure what you are going though 

but I wish the best for you

And u are amazing in my eyes

Just know that Mate

Eyes you say?

E yes lol




It’s not eyes

It’s E.    Yes

