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I've been playing the 0.1.3 version (I'm enjoying it a lot) and here's a list of thoughts and comments:

-I accidentally took 2 jobs at the same time when calling the galactic freight. I couldn't finnish the second one in time so I had a lot of boxes and nothing to do with them so I just left them in the landing area of a planet and they are stuck there. Would be cool if they were just removed if you run out of time.

-I suppose someone has already said it but the game runs slow on uninhabited planets.

-I know this has been pointed out but there seems to be no penalty for running out of stamina and I don't know if there's a way to lose health. You said it was the only kind of challenge in the game but right now the only challenge is completing the jobs in time. Would be cool if there were other ways to fail aside from running out of time.

-It would be nice if you could  name the spaceship and have the name appear somewhere when you go out to do some repairs or clean.

-I suppose planets are randomly generated but there are a lot of empty platforms.

Regarding variety:

-I like the ship mainteinance but it's always the air cyclers and the liquid. Other things barely break or get dirty.

-I don't know how much work it requires but every star system feels the same. Every system has the same planets with the same stuff and it feels a little bit repetitive.

-I do know you said creating new mechanics is a lot of work but it would be cool to have some variety in the type of jobs you do. Maybe transporting something that's illegal so you make more money but your ship could be registered by police or something.

Well, these are just the thoughts I had while playing but I don't know the direction you want to take. Anyway, as I said, I'm enjoying it a lot and I'm looking forward to next updates.