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Takyam: tiny blush

Cherry: looks at Takyam and resists the sudden urge to give her a kiss and instead cuddles with her

-The next day-   Takyam: -slips out of cherrys arms- Takyams mind : Should I make breakfeast for her? I mean she won't budge. Takyam walks to the kitchen  Maybe she'll like this salad -Grabs the salad and puts it into a bowl- Perfect! Now I'll wait for her to wake up.

Takyam: Turns on Tv while putting the volume low

Cherry: wakes up and stretches while yawning Oh goodmorning!

Takyam: Good morning! I made you some salad its at the table!!

Cherry: SALAD?! runs downstairs and runs back upstairs with salad Yum!

Takyam: My pleasure 🤭

Cherry: Can we watch Sponge Bob?

Also will you sub to my youtube? Its called Kîttÿ_Dėmøñ Dėmøñ if you watch the video titled Drawing! I used my real voice.

r u alive my dude?

Takyam: sure!