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Hi Crosser!

I've had a run through of Tower of Galdar, so here's some feedback for you:

  • I really dig the music!
  • I had a big problem figuring out how to use the sword, since the game doesn't tell you the controls (as far as I can tell). I ended up pressing every key on my keyboard, which included R and K, which restart the game or just straight-up kill you respectively. Why is there a button that just kills you?
  • I think the sprite work is pretty neat. I especially like the sprite for the main character.
  • The lives system felt a bit punishing, given that (from how far I got, at least), there are no checkpoints or ways to get more lives. Often times if I lost a life in an early-ish level, I'd just go, "Well, I may as well restart, since I know I'll need that life later on." Given that certain levels require you to explicitly wait for things to happen, I don't think this makes a good pair with a lives system like this.
  • I think the theming of the game is quite good. A knight has a sword power-up (of course!), and there's the obvious tie-in to the theme of the jam itself
  • The transition from running out of lives into returning to the title screen seems a bit too sudden. A longer 'game over' might help with this

Hope this helps!