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what’s elk kun thinking about:

can I fit under my bed... how the fuck did my voice get deep... who is shawty? Why the fuck does women have men in it.. bruh no one gives a fuck about females no more.. history more like her story.. could I fit into someone’s body.. imma snake!!! Turn left turn left turn left... THAT ISNt FUCKiNG LEFt... who fucked up the pudding.. can’t spell studying without dying hahaha... I got a clock no gurls they gotta die hahaha... weezel weeee... what is logical!?! Cause I can’t tell... why is 0 a number... words don’t have meaning until you give meaning to them 🙂 stick and stone will break my bones and words will always harm me.. put the money in the bag you pea brain... turn left then turn right... see where we are the TRASH BC that’s what you are!! Hahah

That’s literally how my mind works


now I say turn left to my mum.. there was this time where she said shut up lol

XD thats cruel!

eh I guess lol

But it was fun to do it 😊


turn left.. then turn right...

Wow! I’m a hole bc if i turn left, and then right theres a hole in the wall!


i did turn left buddy