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facts about lanna Chan that you never knew

Welp here goes nothing!

  1. Uhm.. I can’t stay mad at people.. like really one day I would be mad for one second and then I just get over it lol
  2. I tend to grief.. a lot... a lot lot... my new record is 5 years *slowly claps* 
  3. I’m fuckin scared of vacuums... they are deadly, loud and uh mean!!! I hate them lol
  4. last thing uh.. I write poetry!! It’s kinda fun

and.. that’s mostly it!!!

:D  interesting facts btw But....I must ask you...Do you like French Toast? 'cause I do

yeah that taste good! I also like vanilla pudding!

:D like from those small red plastic cups or just vanilla pudding? idek if you know what I'm talking about when I say the red plastic vanilla pudding cup thing O-O

I don’t discriminate pudding.. lol


unlike you all the pudding is valid for me lol


do u discriminate pudding?

nu ofc not! T-T