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A Brief Post-Mortem for Echoed Eyes!

Hi everyone, unfortunately, I lost motivation to finish a decent, playable version of Echoed Eyes for the Jam. I got very sick after the first week and then a medication I've been taking has kept me very tired and out of it. It's not all bad, though!! I genuinely loved working on the project and my skill with RPGMaker, Aseprite, and game making in general has increased a ton! I got exactly what I wanted to get out of this project. I've learned a ton and am interested in doing more in the future! I realized that I don't really enjoy puzzle-crafting, but love building environments and doing spritework! This is really what killed the project, since I'd built so much with the plan for puzzles but then realized that none of the puzzles were really fun or interesting to make or play. However, I don't think that this project is dead yet! Radish, Dot, and the scraps of ideas I've made for this project are still very much alive in my mind, and I'm hoping to take this project somewhere else in the future! If I do, I think I'll focus more on RPG mechanics and story with puzzles being reduced massively. Despite my loss of motivation, I really loved this game jam and am so thankful to everyone who has participated for sharing their work and leaving replies on mine! I do intend to submit what I do have, but it's ultimately a starting area and isn't much. I hope you all like it!