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I just finished this game last night...

I am truly breathless. This game was constructed so well and so beautifully that I just find it hard not to think about it all the time. I was attached to the screen for the better of three days reading and playing, and experiencing a new world through the MC's eyes. I had begun on Far Beyond the World before this and thought I'd give it a go, so for anyone who hasn't played this game yet, let me say this; Play it. After the final scene was over I went out and looked at the night sky for several long moments, processing everything. I had the urge to smile, laugh, cry, and all because of this game! I'm not typically a fan of VN games but this one is truly spot on, and I can't wait to begin on Khemia! So please, read this story, and support the Echo Project and their team; they really deserve it!