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Theo cocks his head


*gasps hella loud* YOU DON'T KNOW STAR- *lowers his voice* You don't know starbucks!?! (his voice in kind of in a loud whisper) *takes his hand* "Come on we're going to starbucks it is simply disgraceful that you have not been to starbucks" (but then again I've only been to starbucks at the airport .-. and I didn't even get anything special .-.) 

Theo cowers again, sensing that Mirai is somehow upset with him.

*sighs* "Theo I am sorry for scaring you. I just want to show you the "wonders of life" the fact that you are missing out on starbucks is horrific. Can we go to starbucks now?"

Theo cocks his head

Theo: ...Thee...o?

"-uh yeah... Theo its on your nametag...Actually, do you want me to take that off?" Finally, Mirai thought of something, his kind used to be treated like slaves or animals...if you were lucky you could be a pet...This is what happened to his Grandparents and its not like he could forget about it...Everytime he went to visit his Grandparents, it was slavery this, hunter this, hard work this, Not like he blames them but he has literally memorized all of the stories...anyways..."Theo...where did you used to live?"

Theo shakes his head and backs away

Theo: No...No! Bad...bad bad bad...can't go back!

Mirai puts his hands up as a gesture that he is still a friend...also to calm Theo..."You don't have to think about it if you don't want to!" *hugs Theo* .-.

Theo flinches and tenses up

oof I gtg but if you want to we can continue this tomorrow :P sorry for ditching you

(2 edits)

Mirai stares at Theo wondering what to do...."Would you like to stay with me in my gigantic kinda depressing  1,000$ pay only 50$ for  tax apartment? .-.