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This is probably my favourite game of all time. The characters that have their own stories, which are exceptionally relatable, and the storyline that does not rush things made this game a hidden gem. I can't thank you enough for not going with the usual gay games route, instead going for a more realistic side of things in which I can sadly still relate to. I'm definitely donating as soon as I have some spare cash :D

thank you. i appreciate that. I've had a few naysayers that thought the game was going in the "wrong direction" but I still disagree with them and I love the approach take here. So thank you for appreciating that. And dont worry about the donations and stuff, I'm appreciative either way

No worries here. I'm just glad you went with your intuition instead of letting others dictate your work. A dollar is not much at all, but I hope it helps. Can't wait to see how the story develops from this point onward. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself as well!

you too! the world is crazy and has been for awhile so stay safe. I appreciate the support, the amount isn't that much of a focus to me. I just appreciate the notes and time people take to type or even throw a buck in the pot to help with this thing. So thanks :)

No worries. I hope everything goes well for you :)