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Pre-Game Settings Menu

A topic by Porchi56 created Jul 31, 2017 Views: 931 Replies: 1
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(1 edit)

Can you add a settings menu pre game for those with weaker PC's?  Pausing on a low-tier PC in-game causes the graphics driver to crash.


It has been suggested a time or two in the suggestion megapost - As well as defaulting the options to low/off

The suggestion for defaulting to low has been responded to personally by the dev, saying that he plans to lower the default settings.


For the time being however if you can't get to the options in game

you could try getting into the settings file with notepad ++ or a hex editor (seems there's a hex editor addon for notepad ++... not sure, there's another thread showing an image of theirs)

  • C -> users -> login name (potentially computer name) -> Local -> shopsim -> saved -> savedgame; file "Settings"
    • Open Settings with Notepad++
      • Look for "quality" - Because of how Notepad ++ looks to me when I'm looking at my settings to describe them to you, I do not recommend looking anywhere else or touching anything but "quality" (I'm Listing these in reverse order because Foliage is the single most destructive quality)
        • The Primary Quality to zero out -> SG.FoliageQuality (Large blank space) "#" (looks like next line, on mine.) change this from likely 3, to 0, and only this number, do not accidentally highly any space before it, or any gibberish after it.
        • "sg.EffectsQuality" right above it - Large space - "#" - > change to 0 as well
        • sg.TextureQuality - can be left alone, probably. If you don't trust it, you can set it to 0 or maybe just 1 (0 is low, 1 is medium, 2 is high, 3 is epic)
        • sg.ShadowQuality - Set it to 0, same story as the first two, large space, #
        • sg.PostProcessQuality - can be left alone - but setting it lower might boost performance as well, and it may lower some intensities of lighting differences and color intensity/depth
        • r.PostProcessAAQuality - Try and see if you can change this in game, it shows up as "6" in mine, which is epic, I don't know what it changes to for low, so don't. (changed my mind, decided to lower mine in game to low and apply it and reload the file - Changes to "0" for low)
        • r.ViewDistanceScale - Changes to 0.4 for low (1.3 for epic)
          • ensure that you only change those numbers
          • Ensure that you only change those numbers
          • Back up the settings file just incase (select, copy, and then paste should make a copy in folder)
            • Its just a settings file and can be deleted, so don't worry too much, but....
            • Just ensure you only change those numbers, and you won't have to deal with doing that.