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Hey, I love penlight; thanks for your devlopment and effort Angella de Mille. I'm writing this comment because I want to report a problem in the last update 0.1237.2 I've replayed the Villianous Sleeper Agent story path in order to get the new CG that has been implemented in this update. However, the new CG doesn't appear in the CG gallery althouhg I have reached it in the sleeper agent path several times (I also had reached all the endigs of that path just in case). I normally play the game in Spanish (by the way, thanks to waldo for the translation) so I thought that may be the problem, but the issue was still pressent when I changed the game to english.  Hope you can take it a look and see what's happenning. Again my sincere thanks for the development of this wonderful game.

I'm so glad you liked it ^.^ As for your problem, I've tried to find it myself, playing it both in English and Spanish, and asked my regular readers to look out for it, but so far nobody else has seen it so I'm not sure what's going wrong in your copy of the game.

All I can tell you that the point where the CG is meant to unlock is on the line right after the CG, when Kyou is standing in the corridor.

I see, anyway, thanks for taking the time to check