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1/14 - Radish has a home!!

Today was a really tiring but productive day!! I spent the entire day drawing object sprites to construct Radish's house with. I'm really lucky in that my hope that the backlog of assets would make future development much faster proved true! By the end, I was able to sprite her entire bathroom with only a few unique assets that I'll be able to find more use for later!

This object sheet has grown so much

I especially enjoyed making the rug patterns and the new painting! The toilet is so ugly but it was the last thing I made so I guess I was sort of out of energy by that point.

With all these assets, I was able to fully build Radish's apartment!! Building the apartment was fairly easy, but I did end up spending a decent bit of time fixing collisions and making sure everything meshed together alright.

This is her living room and kitchen! Seeing it all put together like this really makes me excited because it's starting to feel like an actual game!

I've also added more small dialogue interactions!

That's all for today! Tomorrow, I want to make the opening cutscene as well as use the apartment environment to create a basic tutorial to the puzzle mechanics of the game. I might also try to add custom parallax backgrounds if I have the time! Since I haven't made cutscenes in RPGMaker MV before, I'm not exactly sure how long it'll take to develop. We'll see, though! I'll update you all tomorrow ^^ <3