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(1 edit)

Today is a bit of a different day.

Since I pulled Soul's changes at the end of the night, the UI has changed colour, and since they were placeholders I didn't make them part of a universal style. What does this mean? It means I won't be posting any screenshots today, because I'm too lazy to re-open the editor and colour them right now. You'll just have to trust me.

I was working on my coursework for the larger portion of today, but I got a few things done (unlike on my coursework). The AoE system I wasn't sure how to do turned out to be...easier than I expected. So now we have abilities that target 2 adjacent enemies, or the whole party,  and the target selection UI will reflect that. Basic, but it's nice to see. I also implemented healing abilities, finally, and left some room in the loop to do buffs later.

As I wrap things up, it seems I've forgotten things I'd decided were low priority - I need to get the "sell" button in the shop to work. After the shop, I'll probably just be making sprites until we do an overhaul of the GUI elements on the weekend. We have a lot of windows, so I want to leave a lot of time.

As Soul mentioned, I've been considering having an animation during dungeon screens where the party "walks" and runs into the enemy encounter. It's not too complicated, but I think it'd be neat. I used Darkest Dungeon as an example for the animation, but I don't know if we'll actually have "rooms". We'll see. Time is the factor - it's not worth time I could spend on not having placeholder graphics.

Thanks for reading. Hope you're all doing well with your own games. I'm looking forward to playing some.