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Day Five

I had to take a day off yesterday because I was bumper to bumper with other stuff I needed to do, but now it's back to business!

First off, I fished up a fantasy town background (from good old Uncle Mugen if you're wondering). Unfortunately, it was a bit small for our purposes, so I upscaled it via an online AI upscaling thing, and then reduced it to our native resolution.

Not too bad, eh? I also added in the option to 'buy weapons' and 'buy curios' (though they don't have actual buying mechanism yet). What are curios?

Basically, they're glitch items! The player/goddess will impart a certain 'glitch attack' that can be done with these items, to devastating effect. We're still working on exactly what attacks we want in the game, but so far, I'd like some reference to a 'buffer overflow' glitch (i.e. a number gets so high/low that it rolls over and goes to the opposite end).

Oh, I also put some special conditional dialogue in here for if you talked about glitches back at the inn, too. I've been playing a lot of Hades recently, so while I can't get quite as ridiculous as that game, I'm gonna give it my best! And if that's not good enough, I'll go have a good cry :D

After that, I did a crapload of dialogue planning, as demonstrated above. I had the idea of having special dialogue for if you run from a boss and come back to challenge it, so that was another thing to write. Not that I really mind—lots of writing is what I'm good at! ^^

Otherwise, I did also have a chat with Aera the night before, and we're planning (if time allows) to have dungeon navigation similar to Darkest Dungeon. In other words, a scrolling background with the three characters walking in a line, going from room to room. I went ahead and grabbed some sidescroller assets for us to use, so hopefully you'll see the fruits of those labours at...some point. If we have time.

Anyways, that's about it from me. Aera's been a busy bee, as usual, so I'll leave him to discuss the programming magic going on behind the scenes. See you tomorrow!

- Soul