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(1 edit)

Hi Gazielle - these are great. How do I load them in Unity in the configuration you have in the examples? The demo scenes seem to have the layers in the wrong order, so they don't appear as they do in your images

Hello Moxiemike! I just opened this package with Unity 2020.2.1f1 to try and recreate your problem but the demo scenes seem to be working as excpecting for me.

Anyway, the sprites with the 001 prefix are the nearest foreground and the ones with 008 are the farthest background.
You can either spread them on the Z axis or use the "ParallaxLayer" script to achieve the parallax effect.
With the script you need to put your camera in the base object slot and then adjust the parallax speed slider's value. The bigger the value is, the farthest the object will seem.

I'm not sure this answer your question, but I hope this was useful !

Ah thank you! Actually I managed to arrange them using the Sorting Layer and then setting the Order in Layer (which I guess is the z axis as you suggest). But good to know there's another way too! Thanks for the help and thanks for the backgrounds, they're really cool. 

I'm glad to know you achieved what you wanted to do! I hope you'll make something cool with these asset :D