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can't get it either went way more than 5 days and nothing even different times too

I can only think that the one thing I haven't done was go 5 whole consecutive days without checking in on her, have you tried that? I'm also wondering if maybe you're just supposed to have sex with her just that one time, and then don't have sex with her ever after that? 😂 I have no idea, I'll see if I can contact Siren (or anyone who knows) on their Discord Server, and I'll tell you what I found out 👍

I've actually done 10 consecutive days and after I learned of the scene did a reload and only did it that one time but still nothing. Alright maybe they some details at least like if it's glitched or maybe how too actually activate it 

Well, I talked to Siren about it, it turns out that it was there at one time, but she ended up taking that scene out, since it felt a little too "NTR" for her. But if it's any comfort for you, the scene was going to  be that same boy coming back to have sex with her. When I found out about the scene being that, it felt kinda anti-climactic. Like, I low-key expected Ann to be having hot sex with one zombie, or even multiple zombies, since there'd be so many in the lab lol
But yeah, the scene doesn't exist, and there's no way to ever get it. So, that case is closed lol 

well at least I got an answer too my question so it doesn't bug the hell out of me