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(1 edit)

I can't help but play, play again, and again ... - from time to time, then in its entirety it's a very beautiful story (especially a very beautiful love story between two young men), of course it There are ups and downs, but between the visual side that is so realistic, and its beautiful story, it's impossible to resist.

I can't wait to play the sequel.
I leave you a big hug from Paris.
Take good care of yourself.
And I wish you a Happy New Year.


Thank you, It's always cool to hear people have gone through it multiple times. That seems to be even more true after v019 hit. Despite it being fictional, I tried to make it feel real while still trying to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish with it

Alas ... I am afraid that I will never be able to play the rest of the game, then I cannot spend so many hours waiting for the download to be finished ... - since the download of the folder/ZIP file takes at least around two hours for it to be over ...

Then for me, in my profession, time costs money unfortunately ...

well, you have plenty of time before the next update. usually takes me a few months to get the next chapter done