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/// Day 4 ///

Hello. It's very late.

I miss my good friend Soul. They're busy today. I also have classes until tea-time. Yet I still spend a little longer than planned on new mechanics. I still haven't worked on my dissertation project since the start of the jam.

I'm going to do things a bit short today. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That means two are worth two thousand. That's the size of a decent essay.

Today, I implement several more thrilling things; the system to generate random series of encounters, a placeholder skill page, a system for selecting which enemy/ally you wish to target.  It all sounds very fancy, but Ren'Py is very easy to work with. Most of the time.

I've been trying to think of how to implement AoE abilities. I'd like to highlight every enemy that the ability will hit on the target screen, but I'm not sure how I'll go about it. Ren'Py gets a bit antsy with python blocks around screen elements.

Perhaps when I have sprites, I'll be able to draw arrows over each of them, at least. But still, I feel it would look a little confusing if only one enemy is highlighted on the bottom box. If you have any ideas, please don't be shy. By myself, I am but one idiot.

Either way, thanks again for staying tuned. I know things still look a bit bare, but I think at least I can now work on some more permanent graphics. I am no artist, though.